The InPhO Topic Explorer (InPhO-TE) software is © 2014-16 Trustees of Indiana University and the Indiana Philosophy Ontology (InPhO) Project.
While copyright is reserved, the software itself is released via the permissive MIT License, with open-source code available via GitHub.
Explicit rights are granted for reuse of all visualizations and other derivatives of this software via the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY).
To satisfy the license in electronic works, please link to the primary project page at If you use InPhO-TE in a published work, the authors request that you cite InPhO-TE as:
Jaimie Murdock and Colin Allen. (2015) "Visualization Techniques for Topic Model Checking" in Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15). Austin, Texas, USA, January 25-29, 2015.
Content for each corpus is copyright by their respective creators. Topic models performed using this content fall under fair use provisions as non-consumptive research.
This is the topic map. It places the topics from the all the trained models on a two dimensional map that attempts to place similar topics close to each other.
The clusters and colors are determined automatically by an algorithm, and providing only a rough guide to groups of topics that have similar themes. The different axes also do not have any intrinsic meaning, but may be surprisingly interpretable.
You can control which models are included in the map by clicking on the numbers on the left to toggle the corresponding models off and on.
You may also enter words in the search box to have the isomap change shading to help you find related topics.
Clicking on any topic circle will take you to the Hypershelf with the top documents for that topic already selected.